Imagine High is a school of choice, and regular transportation is not provided. Students attending a school other than their catchment school, may be eligible for busing based on the following eligibility criteria (Policy 710.1 Administrative Regulation):
Courtesy riders: There are two (2) categories of students eligible for courtesy bussing. Bussing may be provided based upon availability of seating on an existing bus route. Busses will not be re-routed, and no additional stops will be added. Authorization for courtesy riders will only be considered once regular riders have been accommodated. Services to courtesy riders may be discontinued at any time should additional regular riders require bus transportation. Fees apply to Courtesy riders.
School of choice riders: are students attending a school other than their catchment school by choice (including French Immersion and International Student Program).
Termination of courtesy ridership – The Board of Education reserves the right to terminate courtesy bussing for students at any time. Should this occur, the Manager of Transportation will provide written notification with a minimum of one-week advanced notice.
* Transportation cannot confirm ridership for Courtesy Rider until Aug. when all Catchment School Registrations are complete.
To learn more about the eligibility of your student visit Transportation.